Our Mission

A space for women practicing documentary filmmaking in India to network, grow, learn and scale.

Elaborate, please.

For so long, many of us have yearned for an ecosystem and a community where we can gather around, be heard, exchange notes and find ways to make our films come alive (and get paid along the way). Open Door Docs was born out this shared longing. The opposite of gatekeeping, a truly open space for women in non-fiction filmmaking across India is what we aspire to be. Here are some of our goals:

  • Bridge the Gap

    We want to bring together filmmakers, producers, crew members, platforms and distributors in non-fiction films together. There are so many gaps, and more often than not, women fall through them. Let’s find ways to connect these dots and create + distribute films by incredible women in India

  • Share Knowledge and Upskill

    We aim to host masterclasses, workshops, webinars and sessions to share information and best practices. Our eventual goal is establish a Lab that can structure all these and render knowledge accessible.

  • Have Each Other’s Backs

    From sharing resources, funding calls, job listings and simple tips, we plan to keep our community thriving with opportunities for all our members to make use of.

  • Incubate Kickass Projects

    This one is admittably a little further down the line, but definitely on top of our mind. We plan to incubate projects and bring experienced industry folk from across the globe to help shape and develop documentary film projects from India.